Artist Model -Loish

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Aloy - Horizon Zero Dawn by loish
Loish is a concept artist and illustrator who gained fame through the early years of deviant art. A key feature of her work is the way she creates a sense of movement in her figures though the use of a painterly style. Even with her digital paintings that depict a bust or a seated/unemotive subject  she creates the effect that the subject is about to move/and is alive.


Loishs style is very painterly as I stated before, however her is also very stylized allowing the characters she depicts to be very expressive and emotive. Another feature I like about her work is her use of color and lighting to make the subject appear more realistic in terms of shape and form. Her work is something that I will be using as a reference in terms of painting technique and composition. She often uploads videos of speed paints so I am able to view these and possibly learn more about her techniques and how she designs her characters.


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