Concept Art - Rough Sketches

Designing the main character - Rough Sketches

In these rough sketches I have begun to develop the main character. I have yet to name her however I wanted her to appear very young in terms of age and thought that buy making her outfit similar to that of a school uniform I would help show that, however I made adjustments to make sure that her design is both combat efficient and showcases her personality. Because she will be wearing a skirt I thought it would be very impractical, so I've been looking at what would be more suited to her whether it be a long pair of leggings or short. To make her appear as if she has been through a lot I've given some wear and tear to her garments whether it be tearing in the leggings on the first image or the rip up the skirt in both. Because she is a human she relies heavily on firearms when it comes to combat however she is capable in hand to hand and weaponry such as swords, spears etc, however it isn't as useful when fighting a demon who has superhuman strength. I've made sure to equip her with many carry pockets and holsters for the purpose of carrying general weaponry and grenades. In terms of weapons I intend to include two handguns, a rocket launcher, grenades and a small sword (for close combat) in her design.  


As of now I haven't thought of what to call her however I have outlined her personality. She is very reserved and messy and yet tries to keep the facade that she is a professional and has nothing left to learn, despite her young age. She has an extreme hatred, fear and sympathy for demons and feels the only way to erase these conflicting feelings is by killing all the demons she can so that she can live a simple life. I've attempted to reflect these qualities into her design with her torn attire, her messy unkempt hair.


I will continue to develop this character in a few more rough sketches before refining two in color and then creating the final.


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