Character concept #3 The stranger
At this point I have not yet decided upon a name for Eva's twin sister however will refer to her as simply the stranger, a name which she will be commonly refereed to as within the story by Eva. The stranger is a mysterious character and illustrates the life she could of had if she was not raised in the academy, one of knowledge yet considerable danger. The goals of The stranger aren't revealed to half way through the game when Eva is killed, making The stranger the protagonist of the second half of the game where you truly understand her motives. I wanted the strangers design to contrast with Eva's, having a much more regal formal look (resembling a late 1700s aristocrat), more combat efficient and much more skillful than Eva. Eva will act as the martyr while The stranger acts as the apostate. In her original design I was going to have her long hair undone with a big chunk on her face, however in terms of combat many soldiers keep their hair tied back or short so that their hair doesn't block their view so this ultimately changed to a long ponytail. After Eva dies The strangers look changes completely resembling more closely to her sister, cutting of her ponytail out of respect and love.
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