Unwrapping + Textures Photoshop

Unwrapped UV

UV Unwrapping

Today I have begun unwrapping and texturing my models in Maya, beginning with the most important models after completing all the models for the environment and placing them within the scene, I will then move onto the character and the pig as the are the least important things.


Painting in Photoshop
One of the problems I ran into was the way I unwrapped the model, which was very slow, tedious and would have made it difficult to paint in Photoshop. After getting advise from Rachel, she showed me a much quicker way to unwrap the models, by cutting at a seem that connects from the top and the bottom which can easily be unfolded as seen in the above images


Complete texturing and painting of models (place them within their environment) between 5th and the 9th.
rig + animate characters arm by the 12th 
(if their is spare time re-create the pig, in the greater scheme of things it isn't that important and I could choose not to include the pig and instead just show the girl drawing her house or a nearby tree) The focus is on the environment

Render animation by 17th and begin final stages in adobe premiere/after affects hand preferably on Thursday 20th


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