BVA Theory week 1 Term 2

Next steps

  • One of the things I will need to look at is how contemporary academics and psychologists view Jung's works and studies around personalities. 
  • Go through old blog entries and compile the important aspects surrounding the creation of the artwork and its influences
  • Key words are, feminism, gaze, carl jung, the self, 
  • Key theorists are Carl Jung, Laura Mulvey, John Berger, and Amelia Jones. Because Carl Jung isn't a contemporary theorist I will neet to find a theorist who has looked into Jungs work and investigate there interpretation or reinvention of Jungs theories.

Structuring the power point

- Discussing the aim of my project. what influenced me to focus on this idea? Why this idea? What were some changes made during the creation of the project?
-Artist models that impacted/influenced my work 5 in total (slide for each individual artist and how they impacted my work, with photo reference)
-4 theorist that impacted and influenced my work and how this influence is represented in my work.
-Overall outcome 


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