Research week 3 term 2

Facebook + Instagram
We have begun to plan and organised what we are doing, we have created both the Facebook and Instagram pages, having uploaded both a banner and a profile picture however we will not be posting until the poster is complete as it will be the first post to the page. (however if the poster is not completed during the certain time I will just upload the banner instead and continue to follow the upload schedule as planned). This upload schedule might be prone to changes however at this point none have been made.

Posters + Quantity
Another thing we will need to discuss is where we are going to be placing the posters and adverts/ and how many posters we will need to print + getting the election forms (which is being organised by Bethany) At this point we are thinking about printing 30 posters in total and collecting 60 election forms to hand to those who are attending the event.


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