First Class Term 2

Ted Talk 1

After being late to class, I was also late to watching a Ted talk about differing personality types and being aware of not only your own personality type but aware of others and attempt to work around those differences by communicating in the style they communicate in and recognise as there own. titled your personality and your brain by Scott Schwefel. Schwefel discussed the possibility of people occupying in the field of four personality types 2 unique types in the field of introversion and two other unique personality types within the field of extroversion, while these personality types are based within psychology I don't believe everyone can be defined and placed within these four exclusive categories with most people fitting into two or three.

Ted Talk 2

The second Ted Talk that I was actually there for was a Ted Talk about Focus titled Focus is a muscle by Connor O'Leary. I didn't find this Ted talk as interesting as the previous, while O'Leary did have a lot of interesting things happen to him some good some bad, I felt the talk wasn't as engaging as the first one. One thing I did like was that he explained ways in how focus helped change and enhance his life by bringing up multiple examples to further his claims.


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