Organizing spreadsheet
After we get the entry forms in we will be creating separate spreadsheets for each type of entry. Fro example Visual arts will have 3 tables one for each year level, alongside film, gaming and animation.
I have discussed with my team who will be doing what, and I have listed it below so I and they do not forget.
Kyle - Animation
Kasey-Visual Arts
Devon -Film
We are doing this so it makes it easier for us to know show submitted and check of submissions, and check of who has picked up there artwork on the day of pick up. We will also need to give this information to the design team for when they create the programme.
I have discussed with my team who will be doing what, and I have listed it below so I and they do not forget.
Kyle - Animation
Kasey-Visual Arts
Devon -Film
We are doing this so it makes it easier for us to know show submitted and check of submissions, and check of who has picked up there artwork on the day of pick up. We will also need to give this information to the design team for when they create the programme.
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