Final Reflection - Comic

Overall I am please with my comic and it's turnout, I feel I could have done alot better, however I still think its a huge improvement from my previous comic from last year and the comic I was going to make this year. In my comic I wanted to use an art-syle that was very stylized with exaggerated features and details. While my comic last year did have a stylized design I wanted to be a bit more experimental this year and exaggerated the designs a bit more, which made it alot easier for me to draw character expressions.

One of the problems I have with the comic is that if I was given more time I would've given myself 2 weeks to play around with the new style so I could've have gotten use to it, allowing for the comic to look and feel alot better than it is now. I also would have tested colors and line work a bit more if I was given more time, as at first I was considering doing line work and fulling in colors using layers in Photoshop, however I'm not very good with clean line work and need alot more practice as I'm just use to painting which I did in the final version. If I had more time I would've practiced more with getting clean linework, however despite these concerns I'm somewhat pleased with the final product.

Another problem that I had relies completely on myself because I changed the idea for my comic so late into the year I didn't have alot of time to create thumbnails and plan out each of the individual pages, so I just made them up as I went however if something wasn't right or didn't fit in terms of pacing and structure I would change it. If I had more time I would've created thumbnails and develop the setting/characters more, I feel this process would've made the comic alot better than it is now.

Overall I am pleased with my comic, despite my various setbacks.


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