Page 10+11

Here is the final version of page 10
Draft of page 10
One of the things I struggled with the most was depicting a crowd scene, as I wasn't sure how I would depict it, should I draw the crowd in detail just like the ghost girl or any other character. I felt If I had done this the ghost girl would loose focus and wouldn't stand out amongst the crowd. So I decided I would just make the crowd human like blobs.
Page 11 Final
Not to long until I finish now. I have completed the 11th page of my comic. In the later parts of my comic I had a problem with structuring things as its somewhat difficult to bring up more of the story elements around the ghost girl. Not to jeopardise my pacing I have decided that May will not discover that the girl is a ghost until around page 14/15 which of course wont be illustrated as I've only drawn up 12 pages. I don't want to cram everything into 12 pages and feel the story and pacing is fine the way it is in these 12 pages.


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