Updated artist Bio

Here is my final Artist Bio, which I made alot more enthusiastically than my previous Artist Bio. Before I wasn't really enjoying my comic, I was however enjoying it at the very start of the year but I grew very bored of it when it came time to make our actual comics, so because of that I refused to put my name or any social media profiles on my Bio or even on the front of my comic. After changing my comic completely I'm very happy to associate myself and my social media profiles with it even though I know it's not my best work. When creating my Bio I tried to make it very simplistic yet eye-catching at the same time, I think I have achieved that look with the bright yellow of my portrait engaging the viewer and leading them down to view my info.

I will try to find an example of my earlier artist Bio, to compare and contrast. My previous Bio used alot more color than my current one and I feel was more disorganized and rushed, and not as though out as my current one.,
Old Artist Bio


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