Updating entries + Important Dates

On Wednesday the 9th I came in to sort out any of the remaining entry forms. I came in at 12:30 and collected the entry forms of Osisn aswell as the folder and began imputing the data into excel spreadsheets. After organizing each entry form, collecting the money and inputting the data we ended up with around 80-90 entry forms with and extra $150 from extra entry forms

On Tuesday we still had people sending in entry forms way past the cut off date which was last Tuesday on the 8th at 5pm, so we have decided no more late entries will be accepted past the 15th of October past 5pm. I have also tasked Kyle with creating a sheet with all entries which won't take to long as all the data has already been fulled out in each specific excel sheet. We also discussed more of the dates.

On the 21st between 12pm-1pm is the last day for handing in artwork. I have informed Sorcia of this date and fulled out a piece of paper of all the things she must include on the email. On this day we have stated in the email that the artwork must be dry, ready to hang and cut appropriately.

We have also extended the date for animation, game and film submissions to the 4th of November to give them more time to fix any issues they may have. We have also booked the green screen room through ashe so that we can screen any films or animations that were not selected in flicks. This will mean that we won't have to shove everything onto T'vs when we are setting up for the night.

On the 8th of November we will be de-installing and artworks will be need to be picked up between 1-5pm on that day.


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